Nicole O.
I have struggled with weight my whole life and Diabetes runs in my family. I never thought I would suffer from diabetes but as I fell into a dark place over my weight. I developed diabetes because I stopped taking care of myself. After the guidance and support, I have received from the wonderful doctors at Best Weight my A1C went from an 8.9 to a 6.7 in a little over a month! I still have a ways to go but I have lost over 50 pounds and my whole life has been bettered by all the positivity and encouragement that you receive as a part of the program. I am forever grateful that they truly provide you with all the tools you need to be the best you! I cannot wait to see the continued results I will get with Best Health and I fully recommend their services to anyone looking to be the best and healthiest versions of themselves too! Life is too short to waste it being stuck or trapped in bad health or habits.